Abandoned Places
Quote from the channel owner: “A collection of various Abandoned Buildings that we have explored so far“.
Original YouTube Channel: Uncharted Travel


Exploring a very large and beautiful abandoned mansion hiding a dark history..
Sitting abandoned and filled with everything of leisure you can imagine from a swampy pool, an indoor sauna, even an...

I thought I was alone in this haunted abandoned office building, but I kept having the uneasy feeling that I was being watched.
The building had been abandoned since the late 80's and according to...

ABANDONED Factory Exploration (HIGH RISK)
This is the main boiler building of a large abandoned factory complex. The abandoned building has undergone over 10 years of decay and is slowly being taken back by mother nature.
The day we went ...

ABANDONED Movie Set Warehouse (POWER STILL ON !!)
At first glance, this abandoned movie set warehouse looks to be occupied, but the dusty interior tells a whole other story.
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ABANDONED High School Exploration (ALMOST CAUGHT!)
This abandoned high school use to have room for up to 2000 students a year. Now it sits abandoned decaying while nature takes its course.
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ABANDONED Old Paper Mill (ft. Bright Sun Films)
Exploring a forgotten piece of Canadian history. This abandoned paper mill was the first industrial building in Canada to be powered solely on hydro-electric power. Today it sits abandoned awaiting...

ABANDONED Insane Asylum / Hospital Complex
Exploring an abandoned Insane Asylum / Hospital Complex. Today we visit one of the oldest abandoned buildings in the GTA.
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ABANDONED Large Decaying Restaurant and Motel
Exploring an abandoned buffet restaurant and motel. What was once a warm welcoming Ontario restaurant and motel, is now a eerie sight for all, left neglected and falling apart.
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Exploring an old abandoned ship graveyard with many rusty decaying ships and ship parts, one of the ships happened to be a huge Million Dollar Yacht!
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ABANDONED Creepy Untouched Church in the Woods!!
Today we explore an abandoned church in the middle of the woods that has been left untouched with everything still inside!
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Exploring a long abandoned ship graveyard with several abandoned and decaying ships! Part two.
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ABANDONED Large Greenhouse Reclaimed by Nature
Exploring a massive abandoned greenhouse that has been abandoned for almost 30 years! Today we take a look at how mother nature played a roll in turning this abandoned greenhouse into something qui...

ABANDONED Water Treatment Plant Exploration (ft. Bright Sun Films)
Exploring an abandoned wastewater treatment facility that was closed in 2003. Join us as we see what time has done to this neglected treatment plant.
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ABANDONED House - EVERYTHING Left Behind ! Old Polish Family Home
Exploring an abandoned house that has been left untouched with everything still inside! Today we check out an abandoned family home to see what they left behind.
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ABANDONED Large Insane Asylum
Exploring an abandoned Insane Asylum / Hospital Complex. Today we return to explore one of the oldest abandoned buildings in the GTA.
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ABANDONED Large Hospital and Sanitarium (ft. Bright Sun Films) Pt. 1
Exploring an abandoned Tuberculosis Hospital/Mental Asylum. Today we visit one of the largest and oldest abandoned buildings in Northern Canada to see what was left behind.
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ABANDONED Mansion in the Woods - EVERYTHING Left Behind !
Exploring an abandoned mansion we found in the woods. This mansion has been left abandoned and untouched by its owners for several years with everything still left inside!
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ABANDONED Huge Mental Asylum and Tuberculosis Sanitarium (ft. Bright Sun Films) Pt. 2
Exploring an old abandoned Mental Asylum / Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Join us as we continue our exploration through this massive decaying hospital complex!
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ABANDONED Huge Insane Asylum / Tuberculosis Hospital Pt. 3
Exploring an abandoned Insane Asylum / Tuberculosis Hospital Complex. Join us as we finish off the three part series of this massive decaying building! Exploring the cafeteria, kitchen, kinesiology...

ABANDONED Hazardous Factory Building - DEADLIEST Climb Ever !
Exploring a massive abandoned grain silo complex constructed during World War 1! Today we risk it all on a deadly climb to the roof with no stairs to help us!
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ABANDONED House - EVERYTHING Left Behind ! Old Collectors House
Exploring an old abandoned untouched house that belonged to an avid collector and hoarder! Today we explore this house to see what was left behind!
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ABANDONED Large Coal Power Plant - heavily decayed !
Exploring an abandoned coal power plant. This building was constructed in the 1900's and was abandoned in 2004. It now sits heavily decayed as a reminder of the past.
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ABANDONED Untouched House with EVERYTHING Left Behind ! Some Very Cool Finds
Exploring a long abandoned old house in Ontario Canada. This property originally belonged to a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Join us as we see everything that was left behind.

ABANDONED Car Graveyard - Old Classic Cars (FOUND 1930 Ford Model A !!)
Exploring an abandoned car graveyard forgotten and full of clasic cars including a Ford Model T! This location was abandoned in 2011 and has been slowly reclaimed by nature. Join us as we explore h...

ABANDONED House EVERYTHING Left Behind ! Family Died in a Car Crash
Exploring an abandoned house in Ontario Canada that was left behind when the owners died in a car accident. Today we take a look and see what they left behind.
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ABANDONED Mall - Hampton Square Mall
Today we explore an abandoned mall filled with vintage retail architecture. Join us as we explore this abandoned malls past, present and future!
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ABANDONED Squatters Motel (LOTS Left Behind) - Detroit, MI
Today we explore an abandoned motel inhabited by several squatters, not much is known about the history or origins of this motel, other than it is located in a rough Detroit neighbourhood.
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Today we explore an old abandoned decaying library that is over 100 years old! Vandals have yet to reach this stunning location and a lot of the library's books and items still remain inside!

ABANDONED High School (Lots Left Behind!) - Detroit, MI
Today we explore an abandoned high school that was once notorious for its crime and gang violence. Join us as we check out this amazing Detroit location.
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ABANDONED Belle Isle Zoo (Found Cages!) - Detroit, MI
Today we explore the infamous Belle Isle Zoo in Detroit. In its lifetime the zoo had many different owners and many different names until it was forgotten in 2004. Join us today as we see how natur...

Join us as we explore a massive abandoned mansion that is completely untouched by vandals. This is definitely one of our best explores yet! I wasn't expecting much when first walking up to the mans...

ABANDONED Hospital (LOTS Left Behind !) - Detroit, MI [Part 1]
Exploring this abandoned Detroit hospital was truly something out of a scene from the last of us. Although the place was vandalized and stripped of most of its copper, the hospital still had lots o...

ABANDONED Massive Hospital (LOTS Left Behind !) - Detroit, MI [Part 2]
This is the second video of two where we explore this truly amazing abandoned hospital. Abandoned for over 20 years, this hospital gives off a creepy Silent Hill or The Last of Us feel!
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ABANDONED Old Mining Settlement and Carbonization Plant AMAZING! - New Zealand
Today we are exploring what is left of a long forgotten mining settlement and carbonization plant. Out of all the explores I've done over the years, nothing has truly compared to the beauty of this...

ABANDONED Fisher Body Plant 21 - Detroit, MI
Exploring the infamous abandoned Fisher Body plant 21 in Detroit. Join us today as we explore one of the most well known abandoned buildings in all of urban exploring that has sat decaying since 19...

ABANDONED MANSION of Drug Dealer / Biker Gang Member (FOUND Indoor Pool!)
Today we find ourselves exploring the abandoned mansion of a drug dealer and biker gang member who was arrested for possessing and selling cocaine on this location back in 2008. The mansion has sin...

ABANDONED Hospital WITH POWER ! Untouched With Lots Left Behind!
Exploring an abandoned hospital with power and NO vandalism. Lots of medical equipment remains in the many buildings of this abandoned medical complex. When we first came across this building we de...

Stunning Abandoned Detroit High School - (FOUND AMAZING Auditorium)
Today we explore an amazing abandoned high school that has been abandoned for almost a decade. This school once boasted great academic success and achievement with amazing buildings such as its lib...

Disney's Abandoned and Forgotten River Country
(CAUGHT) Today we explore the long abandoned and forgotten River Country by Disney. River Country was once a thriving water park and a staple of the Walt Disney World franchise, now it sits abandon...

ABANDONED Creepy House - EVERYTHING Left Behind ! Family Died
Today we explore an abandoned vintage 1940's home with everything left inside. We never expected to find so many antiques long forgotten when their owners passed away. 30 years of decay has left th...

Toronto's ABANDONED Amusement Park - Ontario Place
Today we explore what remains of the now forgotten Ontario Place. Located in the heart of Toronto, this theme park was a hot spot for families all around the GTA up until its sudden closure in 2011...

Incredible ABANDONED Church Untouched - EVERYTHING Left Behind !
Today we explore a rare untouched church that was built in 1897 and abandoned in the early 2000's. For almost 20 years this beautiful building has sat abandoned, completely frozen in time with ever...

ABANDONED MASSIVE Mansion in the Woods - Historic Uplands Mansion
Today Jake, Dan and I explore an abandoned mansion found by Dan Bell. This mansion, once an iconic piece of Baltimore's history, now sits in ruin slowly decaying away. Watch as we explore this incr...

The Most Dangerous Mall In America.
Today we explore what remains of Baltimore's Old Town Mall. This mall is an outdoor pedestrian mall with buildings over 200 years old. The strip is littered with abandoned buildings, crime, homeles...

Sneaking into an Abandoned Untouched Slaughterhouse WITH POWER! (Escaping Security)
Today we explore what remains of Toronto’s heavily secure abandoned pig plant. This slaughter house used to account for one third of Ontario’s entire pork production up until its closure in 2014. J...

ABANDONED Untouched Restaurant & Motel With EVERYTHING Still Inside !
Today we explore a very unique abandoned motel and restaurant with everything left behind! This location appears frozen in time completely untouched by vandals. This is one of those explores where ...

What started off as what seemed to be any other explore changed when we found the secret trap door in the kitchen! Today we explore an abandoned 600 year old Italian villa located in the central mo...

Exploring An ABANDONED Military Base In The Woods - Fort Armistead
Today we find ourselves exploring an old military base that was constructed in 1901 and defended Baltimore's coastline until it was decommissioned in 1920. Nearly 100 years later, taken back by nat...

MASSIVE ABANDONED Factory Exploration At Night
Today we explore what is left of what was once Florida's largest phosphate factory. Abandoned in 2004, this factory has seen very little vandalism and has sat quietly as it is reclaimed by nature. ...