Kayaking Twin Lakes

Sep 3, 2018 | Featured, Fishing, Kayaking, Road Trips | 0 comments

Spending a fun day on the lake

Randy and Sandy wanted to spend the day kayaking Twin Lakes, and we were all up for it. We packed up the boats and plenty of snacks and headed out to the lake. Since this trip I’ve added modifications to my boar and Cheri’s. She now has a fishing rod holder.  I added a rail attachment onto my boat with a rod holder, another holder for a net, and a post for my GoPro.  These modifications make the boars so much more versatile.

The boat launch was a bit crowded so we had to park near the golfing range. We entered the western lake and wanted to go through the narrow constriction between the lakes to reach the other side (you can see the lily pads in the satellite image introducing this post). The constriction was full of lily pads, and there was what looked like an abandoned home along the way. It was kind of creepy.

After paddling around a bit, we hooked the kayaks together and began to enjoy our lunch. With the boats tied together, we act kind of like a raft, so it was easy to pass goodies amongst ourselves. Sandy of course had plenty of savory goodies to share so no one went away hungry!

We had a wonderful day kayaking twin lakes, enjoying the outdoors, the views, and of course, good food and friends.


Twin Lakes Resevoir
Fishing – Cocolalla Lake


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